Date of entry into force: 01.01.2023

AWOL Vision is committed to respecting your privacy
Your privacy is important to us, and we have taken steps to ensure that we do not collect more information from you than we need to provide our services and protect your account.


  6. MINORS.

This privacy policy (this "Policy") is intended to inform users of AWOL Vision ("AWOL Vision" or "we" or "us"), the website (the "Website"), and other consumers about the collection, use, and protection of their information, together with all related/linked information, documents, and terms of use. Please read this Policy carefully to understand AWOL Vision's practices regarding your information and its handling. AWOL Vision recognizes the importance of privacy as well as the significance of maintaining the confidentiality of personal information. This privacy policy applies to all products and services provided by us and outlines how we collect, use, and disclose information regarding users of the Website. This privacy policy also applies to the use of the Website via a mobile device, either through mobile applications or through mobile-optimized websites.

Payment information; Payment processing through third-party providers: We use a third-party payment processor to facilitate the secure processing of your personally identifiable payment information. When you place an order through the services, the credit card information you provide is encrypted and transmitted directly to the third party. We do not store your credit card information and do not control or are not responsible for the third party or its collection or use of your information. For more information on how the third party stores and uses your credit card information, please refer to the third party's privacy policy.

If you submit information about other individuals besides yourself on the website, you hereby declare that you are authorized to provide this information and agree to the use of the information in accordance with this policy.


Information you share. AWOL Vision may collect information that you provide to us directly on the website, via email, or through direct communication, including but not limited to your name and email address, your payment information, your product configuration information, your transaction information, your opinions on AWOL Vision and its products, and other marketing-related information.

Information collected via the website. When you visit the site, AWOL Vision may automatically collect certain technical information from your browser, such as the IP address (Internet Protocol) with which your computer connects to the Internet, browser type and version, time zone setting, operating system and platform, as well as other data about your visit to the website.

If you answer our additional questionnaires for registered members, we may also collect nationality, gender, date, year of birth, and user preferences, etc.

If you do not wish to provide such information, the use of our services and products will not be affected.

If you contact our customer service, we may record your conversation with us and collect additional information to verify your identity.

We record details of user activities on the website. Information related to such transactions (including, but not limited to, the types and specifications of goods, price and delivery information, any dispute records, and information posted in a discussion forum) may be collected when transactions are conducted or facilitated on the website.

From time to time, we collect information about our users and potential users during trade shows, industry events, and other functions. The information we may collect at these events includes, among other things, username, address, phone number, and email address.

We capture the purchase and browsing activities of users on our platform, including but not limited to IP addresses, browsing patterns, buyer behavior patterns, and device information. In addition, we collect statistical information about the page and the visitors to the page, including but not limited to IP addresses, browser software, operating system, software and hardware attributes, pages viewed, number of sessions, and unique visitors.

Certain data that we collect may be defined as "personal data" ("personal data") under applicable data protection law.

In order to provide our services and products to users, users must provide certain categories of data (including personal data), such as username, address, phone number, and email address. If certain data is required, we will inform you at the time of collection. If users do not provide sufficient data marked as required, we may not be able to complete the registration process or provide certain products or services.

Information from other sources. AWOL Vision may receive information about you when you use other websites associated with AWOL Vision or information that you publish or send to the website.

Sharing of Other Data. The type and/or methodology of data collection may change from time to time, and we may add new features or capabilities to the site. Any such changes that apply to your information will be addressed in the section "WHAT INFORMATION DO WE COLLECT" of this policy.

Can you revoke your consent to our collection and/or use of information?

You can revoke your consent to the collection, use, and/or disclosure of your personal data stored or controlled by us by sending a request to when deleting your account. Depending on the extent to which you revoke your consent, the functionality of your account, products, and services may be affected, including the loss of access to or use of your account, products, and/or services.


How long will the data be stored?

We will store your data as long as we need it to provide the services described in this privacy policy, or until you delete your account as described above, whichever occurs first.


We do not sell or trade your personal data.

We use the collected information in the following ways:

We can use collected information to configure pre-orders or contact you as needed to fulfill orders or reservations you have placed for AWOL Vision products, services, or events. We may also contact you to obtain your feedback on a product, service, or event.

To send you promotional materials. We may also use your information to fulfill your requests, including but not limited to requests for promotional materials. Promotional materials may include information about AWOL Vision competitions, events, and/or products. We may also use your information to share other services or products that may be of interest to you. Promotional materials may be delivered via email. If you choose to subscribe to our subscription service, we adhere to the "Double Opt-In" principle. If you no longer wish to receive these materials, you can unsubscribe by following the instructions to opt-out in our emails, texts, or mailings, or by contacting us at contact.

To improve our services. As described above, we may collect information using cookies, tracking tools, and/or analytics tools. (see section E. COOKIES below).

We can use this information to identify, personalize, develop, and market products and services that we believe you will appreciate, even across browsers and devices, in accordance with applicable laws. Cookies or similar technologies may be used to provide you with advertising based on your browsing activities and interests, to enhance the experience on the website or with the company, and/or to improve the security, design, and/or functionality of the website. If required by applicable law, we will obtain your consent before sending you marketing communications.

Verification of your identity; and layout of the website as well as to improve our product offerings and services;

C. Disclosure of Personal Data

Who does AWOL Vision share my information with?

We share your data with the following parties:

To our partners. We may share your information with our selected partners to conduct business, including but not limited to performing audits, conducting industry analyses, and evaluating the results of marketing efforts. If you provide information as described above, we may share your information with selected partners (e.g., email newsletter providers) to provide you with the requested information.

We may share and transfer your personal data to our partners and to service providers engaged by us to assist us in providing services to you or to process personal data in other ways for the purposes described in this privacy policy or to inform you about the collection of your personal data. Examples of these partners or service providers include:

Marketing platforms such as Google, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, as well as analytics service providers that relate to user behavior to customize the content you see when visiting our website. These marketing platforms may combine information they collect on our website with data on their platforms and data they collect from other websites or sources to conduct targeted advertising. The activities of these third-party marketing platforms are subject to their own privacy policies, not this privacy policy.

Payment service providers to support payment for transactions. The activities of payment service providers may be governed by their own privacy policies, not by this privacy policy.

Logistics partner for the provision of delivery services for buyers, including returns and exchanges of products;

Provider of cloud computing services for the provision of cloud storage services;

These service providers must comply with our data protection and security requirements and may only use your personal data in connection with the purposes mentioned above and not for their own purposes.

For the above-mentioned purposes, we may share your personal data with affiliated companies of AWOL Vision and/or their designated service providers.

If we believe it is necessary to comply with applicable laws or to exercise, establish, or defend our legal rights, or to protect your vital interests or those of another person, we may also disclose your personal data to our professional advisors and law enforcement agencies, insurers, authorities, regulatory bodies, and other organizations, or as otherwise required or permitted by applicable law.

With your consent to share, we can also pass your personal data on to others

We may share aggregated or anonymized data with third parties.

In this case, however, the information we provide is in an unidentified format that does not personally identify you.

We have established relationships with other third parties and websites to provide you with the benefit of products and services that we do not offer. We provide you access to these third parties and their websites, either by using hyperlinks to these websites from our website or by offering co-branded websites where we and other third parties use the same domain (Uniform Resource Locator, URL) name or pages within a domain name on the internet. In some cases, you may need to provide personal data to register or apply for products or services provided by such third parties or co-branding partners. This privacy policy does not apply to third-party websites or co-branded websites. The privacy policies of these other third parties may differ from ours, and we have no control over the information you provide to these third parties. You should read the relevant privacy policies for these third-party websites and co-branded websites before responding to offers, products, or services promoted by these third parties.

How does AWOL Vision protect my data?

AWOL Vision has implemented various physical, electronic, contractual, and administrative security measures to protect against loss, misuse, and alteration of the information we store and collect. Unfortunately, no 100% secure data collection or storage can be guaranteed. If you have any further questions or concerns about our security measures, please contact us using the following information.


How can you manage information about yourself, including your account?

We offer you the opportunity to review, manage, or delete your information.

Changing your email address, username, and more: You can review and change your account profile information by logging into your account and accessing the account settings page.

Unsubscribe: If you wish to manage your communication preferences at any time, such as unsubscribing from receiving emails, you will find detailed instructions for unsubscribing at the end of each email. You can also unsubscribe by logging into your account and visiting the account settings page.

Deleting your account: If you wish to delete your account, you can do so on the account settings page. Deleting your account will remove the personal data associated with your account.

According to applicable laws, you may have the right to access the personal data we hold about you. If you are a visitor from the European Union, please read Section I. EU VISITORS below for more information.

Under the applicable laws, you may have the rights of access to Personal Data held by us. If you are a Visitor from the European Union, please refer to section I. VISITORS FROM THE EUROPEAN UNION below for more information.

If you have questions about this privacy policy or if you, as a user of, would like to access or correct your personal data, you can send your request to If and to the extent permitted by applicable law, we may charge a fee for processing requests you make regarding your personal data.

E. Cookies and similar technologies

Information collected with cookies. Cookies are data files that are created when you visit a website and are stored locally (on your device). When visiting the website, we may use both session cookies (which expire after you close your web browser) and persistent cookies (which remain on your computer until you delete them) to make your experience on the website more personal and interactive. The collected information includes websites you visited before browsing the website, pages you accessed on the website, the frequency with which you accessed the website, the time you spent on the website, and other web data. You may be able to disable the use of cookies (or prohibit the use of cookies on certain websites) by adjusting the settings of your web browser. The AWOL Vision Site is hosted by a third-party platform.

To ensure that our website functions properly, we may occasionally place a small data element known as a cookie on your computer or mobile device. A cookie is a text file that is stored on a computer or mobile device by a web server. The content of a cookie can be retrieved or read only by the server that created the cookie. The text in a cookie often consists of identifiers, site names, as well as some numbers and characters. Cookies are only applicable to the browsers or mobile applications you use and allow websites to store data such as your preferences or items in your shopping cart.

Like many other websites or internet service providers, AWOL Vision uses cookies to enhance the user experience. Session cookies are deleted after each visit, while persistent cookies remain across multiple visits. With the help of cookies, websites can store your preferences such as language, font size on your computer or mobile device, or other browser settings. This means that a user does not have to reset their settings with each visit. On the contrary, if no cookies are used, you will be treated as a new visitor by websites every time a webpage is loaded. For example, if you are redirected from a website where you are already logged in to another webpage and then return to the original website, you will not be recognized and will have to log in again.

AWOL Vision does not use cookies for purposes not specified in this policy.

You can manage or delete cookies according to your own preferences. For more information, visit You can delete all cookies stored on your computer, and most web browsers offer the option to block cookies. However, this way you will have to change the user settings every time you visit our website.

Social Media and Single Sign-On

In addition to cookies, we may also use other similar technologies on our websites, such as social media and single sign-on.

Social Media

Our websites include social media features such as the "Like" button on Facebook and widgets like the "Share This" button or interactive mini-programs that run on our website. These features may collect your IP address, which page you are visiting on our website, and may set a cookie to ensure the feature functions properly. Social media features and widgets are either hosted by third parties or directly on our websites. Your interactions with these features are subject to the privacy policies of the company that provides them.

One-time registration

Depending on your jurisdiction, you may be able to log in to our website using registration services such as Facebook Connect or an Open ID provider. These services authenticate your identity, give you the option to share certain personal information (such as your name and email address) with us, and pre-fill our registration form. Services like Facebook Connect allow you to publish information about your activities on this website on your profile page to share it with others in your network.

Through the use of our website, you agree to the use of cookies, social media, and single sign-on as described above.

F. Minors

Children's Online Privacy Protection Act

The website is not intended to collect information from children under 16 years of age. AWOL Vision does not knowingly collect or maintain information from children under 16 years of age. The website is not intended to attract individuals under 16 years of age. To respect the privacy of children and comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, you should use the website only with the involvement of a parent or guardian if you are under 16 years old.

We see it as the responsibility of parents to monitor their children's use of our products and services. However, it is our policy not to request or offer personal data from minors, or to send promotional material to individuals in this category.

AWOL Vision does not seek or intend to collect personal information from minors. If a parent or guardian has reason to believe that a minor has provided personal data to AWOL Vision without their prior consent, please contact us to ensure that the personal data is removed and that the minor unsubscribes from the relevant AWOL Vision services.


We apply economically appropriate security methods to prevent unauthorized access to the website, ensure data accuracy, and guarantee the correct use of the information we store.

For registered users of the website, some of your information can be viewed and edited through your account, which is protected by a password. We recommend that you do not share your password with anyone. Our staff will never ask you for your password in an unsolicited phone call or email. If you share a computer with others, you should not save your login credentials (e.g., user ID and password) on that shared computer. Remember to log out of your account and close the browser window when you have finished your session.

It cannot be guaranteed that the data transmission over the Internet or a wireless network is absolutely secure. While we strive to protect the information we hold for you, we cannot guarantee the security of information you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk.


We regularly review our privacy policy and may update this privacy policy to reflect changes in our information practices. Both the new and the old version will be published on the website with a displayed update date. We reserve the right to change this policy in whole or in part at our discretion at any time, and we will notify you via email (to the email address provided in your account) or publish the changes on all AWOL Vision websites so that you are informed about the information we collect and how it is used.

Such changes to our privacy policy will take effect from the effective date as stated in the notice or on the website. We recommend that you check this page regularly to obtain the latest information about our privacy practices. Your continued use of products and services on websites, mobile phones, and/or other devices will be considered acceptance of the updated privacy policy. We will seek your new consent before collecting any further personal data from you or if we wish to use or disclose your personal data for new purposes.


Do Not Track ("DNT")

Unless required by law, we do not commit to responding to "Do Not Track" signals in your browser, as complying with these signals would prevent a large part of the tracking and disclosure described in this privacy policy. For more information on DNT, please visit

Consumer privacy rights in California

You have certain options regarding our use and disclosure of your personal data, as described below.

Zugriff: You may have the right to request twice within 12 months that we disclose to you the personal data we have collected, used, disclosed, and sold about you in the past 12 months.

Löschung: You have the right to request that we delete certain personal data that we have collected from you.

Opt-Out of Sale: You have the right to opt-out of the sale of your personal data.

Shine the Light request:  You may also have the right to request that we provide you with (1) a list of certain categories of personal information that we have disclosed to third parties for their direct marketing purposes in the immediately preceding calendar year, and (2) the identity of those third parties.

Here's how to send a request: To send an access or deletion request, please send an email to:


This section of the privacy policy applies only if you use our website or services covered by this privacy policy from a country that is a member of the European Union and supplements the information in this privacy policy.

Legal basis for data processing

We process personal data for the purposes specified in this privacy policy, as described above. Our legal basis for processing personal data depends on the specific personal data in question and the specific context in which we collect it. However, we usually only collect and process personal data about you when it is necessary for the fulfillment of a contract between us (e.g., to provide you with the services you have requested and to identify and authenticate you so that you can use the website); necessary to comply with legal requirements (e.g., to adhere to applicable accounting regulations and to provide mandatory information to law enforcement authorities); necessary for our legitimate interests and not overridden by your rights; and/or where it is based on your consent.

When we collect and use your personal data based on our legitimate interests (or those of third parties), this interest usually lies in operating our website and services, managing our relationship with you, and communicating with you as needed to provide our services to you and for our legitimate commercial interest, for example, in responding to your inquiries, improving our website and services, conducting marketing activities, or for the purpose of ensuring the security of our website and services as well as detecting or preventing illegal activities such as fraud.

If we ask you to provide personal data in order to fulfill a legal requirement or to enter into a contract with you, we will clarify this at the relevant time and inform you whether the provision of your personal data is mandatory or not (as well as) the possible consequences if you do not provide your personal data). In some cases, you may need to provide us with personal data for processing as described above in order for us to offer you all our services and for you to be able to use all the features of our website.

We will retain your personal data for as long as we have a legitimate business need to do so, such as to provide you with services or products, or as required or permitted by applicable laws such as tax and accounting laws. If we no longer have ongoing legitimate business requirements to process your personal data, we will either delete or anonymize it. If this is not possible (e.g., because your personal data has been stored in backup archives), we will securely store your personal data and refrain from any further processing until deletion is possible.

If you have questions about the legal basis or need further information on how we collect and use your personal data, please contact us. You can find the contact details in Section J. CONTACT US below.

International transmission of personal data

For our business, we may need to transfer your personal data to countries outside the European Economic Area ("EEA"), including countries that may not provide the same level of data protection as your home country, such as the USA. We take appropriate measures to ensure that the recipients of your personal data are obligated to confidentiality and take suitable measures to ensure that your personal data remains protected in accordance with this privacy policy.

Your Rights

You can control how your information is used

Disabling communication. Our promotional materials contain instructions for disabling the receipt of further messages. If you no longer wish to receive promotional emails, you can unsubscribe by contacting us at Please note that we may still communicate with you regarding an existing business relationship if you do not wish to receive marketing messages. We require a reasonable amount of time after you have contacted us to process your request.

Updating or Canceling an Account with AWOL Vision. If you have signed up for an account with AWOL Vision, you can update the information linked to your account at any time or cancel your account by contacting us at contact

Adjusting cookie settings. Most browsers accept cookies until you change your browser settings. If you do not want the website to collect your information using cookies, you can usually disable the use of cookies (or prohibit the use of cookies on specific websites) by changing your browser settings. However, if you remove or reject our cookies, it may affect the functionality of the website for you.

If you are located in the European Economic Area, you have the following data protection rights that you can exercise at any time by contacting us using the contact details provided in Section K. SO CONTACT US below:


The right to access your personal data, to correct, update, or request its deletion.


The right to object to the processing of your personal data when it is based on our legitimate interests, and separately the right to object to direct marketing.


The right to request us to restrict the processing of your personal data in certain situations or to request the portability of your personal data.


The right to unsubscribe from marketing activities at any time. You can exercise this right by clicking on the "Unsubscribe" or "Opt-out" link in the marketing emails we send you. To disable other forms of marketing (such as direct mail or telemarketing), please contact us using the contact details provided in Section K. SO CONTACT US below.


If we have collected and processed your personal data with your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The withdrawal of your consent does not affect the lawfulness of any processing we carried out before your withdrawal, nor does it affect the processing of your personal data that was carried out based on other legitimate processing grounds than consent.


We respond to all inquiries from individuals who wish to exercise their data protection rights in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

If you notice any changes or inaccuracies in your information, you should inform us of such changes so that our records can be updated or corrected.


If you have any questions, inquiries, or concerns regarding our use of your personal data and this privacy policy, please contact


1008 Tai Nan West Street, Room 15, 11/F, China United Plaza, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon Hong Kong SAR


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